About Sally

Essence Of Nature

More About Sally

As a holistic therapist, my love is helping guide people on their healing journeys and move forward to fulfill their true direction in life with support from natural, Earth energies and be revitalised by nature’s gifts.

Over time working in holistics, I’ve developed my own unique energy healing system which combines the many energies I have been attuned to and trained in, offering intergrative, holistic healing.

As Plant Spirit Healer, I work with my plant familiars, allies and friends through their vibrational healing oils and physical forms. Always in co-creative partnership & with frequencies of love, harmony, light & alchemical union, I speak light languages and channel light codes all from my support teams.

I’m a fully qualified practitioner in Sound Therapy with the College of Sound Healing, Reiki to National Occupational Standards (NOS), Seichem and a Soul Midwife.  I’m currently in training to be a UK registered Vibrational Essence Producer.

Also, I’m a Registered Bach Flower Essence Practitioner (BFRP) with the Bach Centre in the UK. Bach Flower Essences Therapy help our emotions and heal how we feel, helping us gain positivity, balance, purpose, clarity, self-awareness, peace & develop our intuition.

Sourcing and Preparation

Infusion Process

Filter & Bottle the Essence

My Experience

My formal training in energetics and energy healing started in 2009 studying the human energy system in Chiang Mai, Thailand. For 13 years, I worked in animal care. Animals became my teachers as I served an apprenticeship learning their subtle, nonverbal language of the soul. It was for the animals that I began my Energy Healing  attunment journey.

I work with the land and natures energies – listening to it, reading it, observing it with my handy 10x magnifying light lens and learning. It is a rich, fertile school when either in the garden growing the plants I use in the essences, or foraging in the local woods and forests, speaking with the trees, wildflowers, and wildlife.

Time is spent collecting wild waters from local streams and rivers, storm water when possible, and seeking out sacred water which are alchemised into energised, consciousness carriers holding plant and flower energy, solar/luna vibrations or using sound frequencies, colour, and ritual to add extra magic.

Through personal experiences during the midlife transition of Menopause and the emotional challenges this brought, the essences changed my life perspectives and offered so much emotional support.

Training & Qualifications


◉ Seichem Level 1 & 2
◉  Level 2 & 3 Animal Reiki Master Teacher – Kathleen Prasad’s Let Animals Lead®
◉  Master Practitioner – Level 1, 2 & 3a Reiki Jin Kei Do – qualification complying with National
Occupational Standards (NOS)
◉ Reiki with Crystals – with Master Reiki Teacher Julie Rennie, Reiki River

Spiritual Energy Qualifications, Courses & Workshops

◉ Bach Flower Remedies – Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP) Level 1, 2 & 3 with The Bach Centre, UK

◉ Co-Creative Partnership with Nature Course – with Earth Elder, Pam Montgomery

◉The Akashic Records Mastery Advanced Course

◉ Light Language Practitioner Course

◉ Certified Angel Guide Practitioner – Kyle Gray

◉Certified Crystal Energy Practitioner – Kyle Gray

◉ Fully Qualified Crystal & Himalayan Bowl Practitioner with The College of Sound Healing

◉ “A Glimpse Beyond the Threshold: Shared Death Experiences” training with Shared Crossing Project

◉ Various Sacred Oils and Sacred Oil Master Classes with Felicity Warner – Myrrhophore (Mistress of the Oils)

◉  Level 1& 2 Certificate Soul Midwife with Felicity Warner’s Soul Midwife School

◉  Tender Loving Care (TLC) Training by Soul Midwife and TLC Trainer Helen Latham in association with Felicity Warner’s Soul Midwife School

◉ Shamanic Drumming & Journeying Workshop with Chris Headland (The College of Sound Healing)

◉ Embracing Your Shadow Weekend Workshop – Centre of Integral Health

◉ Various Shamanic Breath Work, Journeying and Gong Bathing workshops

◉ Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai, Thailand. Learning the art of working with the 10 energy channels, in Thai known as Sen Sib, Prana – ‘the wind of life’ or life force energy and working with the 72,000 channels/ nadis in the body’s energy fields