Transform Your Wellbeing With Essences
Essences Of Nature
Hello, I’m Sally
Welcome, and thank you for being here.
Essences awaken, resolve, and transform our emotional, mental perceptions, bringing peace and balance, while boosting our wellbeing. The give us truth, remembrance and freedom.
They are potent allies for our wellbeing and spiritual journeys, helping us step closer towards expressing our sovereign, true selves by healing traumas, clearing ancestral lines and releasing the old 3D paradigm.
Their multi-faceted nature brings us many gifts and offer each of us a unique experience that deepens the more we attune, connect and work with them.
The essences are waiting to share their healing gifts and support you on your own inner journeys. Our Hearts and Soul sing when we work in the flow of nature and with the tides of time and change.

What Are Vibrational Essences?
Vibrational Essences are plant, floral, herb, root, resins, gem and crystal waters. By using energies and vibrational frequencies in this holistic therapy, they help to restore or maintain our wellbeing.
Essences are powerful tools to enhance the soul qualities in those who use them.
They are liquid-based preparations held in sacred waters which hold energetic resonance, vibrational signatures and holographic plant cells and consciousnesses of the flowers, plants, trees and environmental elements like rocks or crystals used in their creation.
The plant cells and frequencies from the natural materials are imprinted into waters by the pure energy of chosen light or other methods. This holds the memory of their unique vibrations creating Cellular Water – allowing the invisible energy to become visible.
It’s like taking an old photo and capturing the image on film. We catch within the waters the soul/spirit and healing properties of the natural materials used. The bowl or vessel we use is the carmera and the water is the photographic film.
Essences are normally stabilised in solutions of alcohol and water and can be use as auric mists for our subtle bodies, in oral form or for applying to energy centres in the body – the chakras, acupuncture points, meridians and nadi channels.
Vibrational Essences are important therapeutic tools in modern times. They offer ways to help you through the challenges of life, and navigate them with a greater ease and grace.
Having a rich, ancient history of effective use, essences are still used and revered by many people today to access their own healing and wellbeing. Dr Edward Bach called his essences “soul medicine”.
Sourcing and Preparation
Infusion Process
Filter & Bottle the Essence
How Do They Work?
Therapeutically, essences work by resonance. By tapping into plant soul energy, it stimulates a soul chord within us which has huge effects on our psyche and physical bodies. Essences and plant oils support, strengthen and empower us to be at our best.
Positive mental and spiritual balance is accepted as being the rule of thumb for health and wellbeing. The essences can return our equilibrium whenever our emotional state is out of kilter.
They are like tuning forks for our soul, mind, and body, offering a bridge between nature’s healing vibrational life force, our own energies, and Higher Self. This vitality works to readjust our subtle bodies – astral, emotional, mental, and psychic – allowing our Higher Self to dissolve any negative feelings and responses or simply move us to our next energetic level.
Essences can take us straight to the root of our issues, helping us to look inwards, giving clarity to see all that’s going on and allowing us to sort out what no longer fits in our lives, making room for new vitality.
They offer profound support for releasing old emotional patterns, behaviors, perceptions, and energies. They are also a wonderful support for your inner, personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, connecting you more with the highest vibration of love and helping you raise your level of awareness and consciousness.
The Magic Of Water
Water is the foundation of life on this planet. We are ourselves are about 70 per cent water.
Since the dawn of time, water has been appreciated and revered as the sacred life force which flows with power, holds the keys to life, memory, renewal, restorative, healing and source of spiritual energy. Water has also been used to cleanse the soul and mind, as well as for spiritual guidance or protection.
In essence making we use natural waters which are turned into cellular water, carrying the intact blueprint and holographic imprint of the organic material used. By taking an essence, it carries and passes along this imbued information direct to our body, minds and soul. Water is scared, healing and miraculous.

Vitalism & Anima Mundi – Soul of the World
History Of Essences
Plants were the first medicines used by man. Ancient civilisations, indigenous tribes, shamans and herbalists across the planet have used and observed nature to learn and use the secret teachings from the green kingdom for healing, connecting us with the soul of the world.
Dew was possibly the first healing waters used as it was thought to be condensation of the soul and sent from the heavens.
There’s a vast, rich history of plant medicine which started to be explored formally in the Middle Ages. Amongst the great medieval alchemists, the best-known today is Paracelsus. However, most history focuses on Dr. Edward Bach and his flower remedy discoveries in England during the 1930s and the connection between the great Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843) who is known as the Father of Homeopathy.
Some Of My Work