Transform Your Wellbeing With Essences


Heal How You Feel With Flower Essence Therapy

“They cure, not by attacking the disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which, disease melts away as snow in the sunshine. There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind and inner happiness.” – Dr Edward Bach

Dr Bach’s healing system is made of 38 remedies from 17 wildflowers, 20 trees, and 1 environmental essence. We also have the most well-known five-in-one ready mixed remedy – Rescue Remedy.

Each flower essence holds positive virtues helping us with your emotions and mind sets, which work to support change with any self-limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

They help to rebalance emotions into more positive feelings, bringing shifts in how we view ourselves and our surrounding situations. They make us feel good, so we are ready and able to make any changes we need.

When we are in a negative state our vibration is low. Flower essences help to raise our vibrations to a higher and more positive level.

If left unhealed, emotions can lead to physical illness. With the flower remedies, profound results can happen for adults, children, animals and even plants themselves (gardeners use the remedies to maintain healthy plants and even combat greenfly).

They are safe, non-toxic, carry no side effects and can be used alongside any current medications from your medical GP or Consultant.

More About Bach Essences

The essences are particularly helpful for:

Stress, Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Resentment, Breaking old patterns of behaviour, Grief, Loss or Bereavement and Trauma /Post-trauma.

The 38 Bach Flower Remedies contain the positive virtue necessary to help balance emotions and heal how we feel. Helping us gain, positivity, balance, purpose, clarity, self-awareness, peace and develop intuition.

The Flower Essences Help:

  • Support with emotional issues or challenging times: anxiety, chronic anxiety, low mood,
    depression, phobias, fear of things known or unknown.
  • Long term stress, illness or crisis situations like trauma.
  • Help us through transitional stages: adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, exams, new job,
    moving home, death, grief.
  • Help us gain clarity on things which no longer help or serve us.
  • Change perceptions, letting go of old patterns.
  • Free us from destructive habits.
  • Aids personal development, discovery, heightens intuition.

DR EDWARD BACH (1886-1936)

In 1936 Dr Edward Bach completed his work on the 38 Bach Flower Remedies.

An esteemed British physician, homeopath and bacteriologist (some of his vaccines are still used today), he has made a huge impact in the field of natural medicine through his innovative approach to healing.

Dr Bach’s philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. By treating the whole person rather than the symptoms, true healing can be achieved – emotional harmony is the key to physical health.

He dedicated his later life to finding the remedies, basing the remedies on his deep understanding of how the mind, body, and soul are all interconnected. He view was illness was caused by a disharmony between the soul and the personality.

Dr Bach died shortly after completing his flower essence system in November 1936, aged 50, leaving a profound legacy of holistic healing.

His flower essences are used and celebrated worldwide, to remind us of the power of nature and the innate wisdom of the human body.


Each flower holds a unique vibrational, energetic pattern which work on resonance – unlike synthetic pharmaceuticals which often supress symptoms.

They are like tuning folks for the emotions. Essences gently bringing us back into balance by offering a higher, positive emotional vibration, flooding our natures with what we need to wash out what is causing disharmony to our characters, traits, and behaviours. Each flower corresponds to a particular healing quality.

The plants own vibration and life force energy is imprinted into water. This vitality works to readjust our subtle bodies – astral, emotional, mental and psychic. It balances and strengthens the quality that has become negative within us, allowing our Higher Self to dissolve the negative feelings and responses.

Essences can work immediately or within a few days or weeks – it’s like peeling an onion, sifting through issues layer by layer. The effects of flower essences are subtle, they work day by day, gradually from the inside out.

Patience, regularly and consistently taking the essences is vital for them to be effective.

Book A Consultation – Call 07713 166813

A Bach Flower Remedy consultation benefits:

  • When you can’t decide on which essence to select.
  • You’d like clarity and objective perspective on problems you’re wishing to address.
  • You have previously self-used remedies that have be successful, but you are at a crossroads.

If you’re finding it difficult to select, sometimes it is easier to talk about how you feel so an outside person can help and offer clarity. You can book an appointment with Sally, a Registered Bach Flower Practitioner, who can help take a more in-depth look and provide recommendations tailored to you.

When you have Bach Flower Remedy consultation, it is held is a safe, confidential space, either on Zoom or WhatsApp. Together we explore how you’re currently feeling, what is going on in your life that is impacting on you and discuss how the 38 remedies can help. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour. Together we will select up to 7 of the most effective flower remedies for you.

The flower essences will be fully explained and how they work. At the end of the session, your personal mix will be made in a 30ml treatment bottle with spring water which will be posted out including a summary sheet of the flowers and directions of use.

Once you have booked with your email details and paid, I will send a consultation form to read and return as an agreement you are happy to go ahead. I will also send your appointment details the day before if we are using Zoom.

The cost of an online consultation is £50 which includes your personal remedy Bottle. Postage will be added at checkout. To book there is now a section in the website shop.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.